If our most recent batch of e-mail is any indication, that certainly seems to be the Steely Theme Of The Month. Which is perfectly cool with us. It's never too late to dream -- am I right? |
From: "Andy Morley" <andy-Spam@Stinks-eversley.clara.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 01:32:29 +0100
Have I misheard, or did the skinny man have ten and a half pairs of legs?
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 02:09:55 -0500
From: John Rosselli <rocu-Spam@Stinks-mindspring.com>
It took twelve years to find a way, three years get custody of the boy, now
a young man, hip hop baggy gthing and several more to get through (in some
regards) - Great satisfaction in finding him rumaging through my Mingus,
Dylan (Live 66) and yes CITIZEN DAN! Please Tour Soon I cherish the thought
of my grandchildren (its only a matter of time) staring perplexed at their
parents as they twitch and swoon in the den.
From: Jamvam-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 00:27:23 EST
Subject: Kamakiriad
Donald & Walter,
Mind-blowing, got the CD for my birthday from a friend that knows my music
taste, I fell in love with you both again. My 21 year old son keeps taking it
& plays it to all of his friends (most into to heavy stuff or rap, UGH!!) But
all that hear it, think it's great!
Thanks for all the joy you have given with your music!
From: xxx-Spam@Stinks-xxx (Gary Oliver)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 08:11:26 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Whats it worth?
I have amicrocassette recorder,'Olympus Pearlcorder-L200'- smallest in
the world according to THE GUINNESS B of WW 1995 .It was hidden in an
unmentional oraface of my girlfriend to capture a gorilla recording of
one of your live shows. Her name is Monique and she says her mother
knows both of you quite well! Unfortunatly the recorder and tape sufaced
wet,thereby making it inaudible eccept for a curious grinding sound
much like two sandblocks rubbing rhythumically together. I was wondering if the R&R HOF might be interested in buyingit? maybe you might want it as rhythum track or DNA testing. All kidding asside good luck on your new prodject.
From: "chris mcmillen" <cmcmillen-Spam@Stinks-afstc.com>
Subject: dream
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 11:31:59 -0500
my friend nicole had a dream about a month ago that she saw an ad in a newspaper for the new album--and the album's name was "swedish tits".
From: "S. Wigton" <swigton-Spam@Stinks-gte.net>
Subject: Meanderthalling
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 20:41:46 -0700
First, thanks a lot for the post of Jonathan Singer's letter on Paul Griffin's remarkable accomplishments. His work with you, and (for particular reasons you're psychically willing me not to bring up) on P. Simon's "Tenderness" make him a longstand ing hero for me. The post speaks clearly so it's dumb to say anything else, but when you see him next please let him know how many of us out here pay serious & unflagging attention to (a) the music and (b) the names on the back. Also, if there's some thing specific we can do to help out with Paul's health I trust you'll please post that, too. Second, thanks so much for THE FIRST FREAKING EVER photograph I've seen of Bernard "ksssopp-ah-tah-phip" Purdie. My fault not yours. Perhaps his management . Can't say. In this vein, none of my business, but i hope the new record somehow finds him involved. Several close friends are convinced the current century should not & cannot appropriately close without one more whack-back B. Purdie shuffle courte sy of you two. Last, please just have fun. Much time has passed since the Dick-LaPalm-hangs-coins-out-of-windows story on the back of 'Chick, Donald, Walter and Woodrow'. But it still makes me laugh really hard when I think of it. Which of cour se I have to do, because some shitwad stole it out of a perfectly temperature-controlled personal storage facility some time ago. Not that you care. s.
From: Sacks77-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 17:06:49 EDT
Subject: can't get enough dan
i'm only 17 years old, and have become an avid Dan Fan through my own
excellent taste in music (i really hate to toot my own horn, but its true).
i first became interested in steely dan after hearing "Dirty Work" about a
year ago. since then i have compiled quite a nice collection of albums. i
have six altogether including "Can't Buy a Thrill", "Pretzel Logic",
"Countdown to Ecstasy", "Gauch", "Aja", and "Katy Lied". although steely dan
is not particularly popular with my peers, i am VERY proud to consider myself
a fan. i've pretty much grown up on classic rock (beatles, led zepplin, the
who, etc.), but i find a sound in your music that is much more relaxing, and
enables me to get into the music much more than any other classic rock band
i've ever heard. i'm absolutely hooked on the Dan and know that i will be
for life. keep pumpin it out Walter and Donald! i just can't get enough.
Very Sincerely,
Rob Sacksteder
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 20:33:18 +0100
From: "Joe O'Connor" <Joe-Spam@Stinks-technosound.demon.co.uk>
Subject: DTS Audio CDs
Hi to The Dan and their long-suffering webmaster,
Absolutely love Elliot Scheiner's DTS 5.1 channel remix of Gaucho.
Gushing sycophancy aside, it's a genuine revelation; Mike Macdonald
really DOES appear to be singing "it's the light in my arse" near the
end of Time Out Of Mind. Then again, that's something maybe only Brit
fans with a disturbing interest in cheap toilet humour can appreciate.
In the absence of a Steely Dan Sessions CD boxed set, it's also good how
you can isolate each channel of the DTS mix to hear individual parts
more clearly - a bonus for musicians (or hopeless wannabe musicians like
I've recently been in conversation with the lead guitarist from Nearly
Dan (an excellent 10-piece SD tribute band from the UK), and he echoes
my desire to see some of the rest of the Dan's back catalogue issued in
DTS format, or at the very least, Aja. DTS Technology plead ignorance
on that front, so I'm taking the risk of approaching you by Email. At
least consider the request of a guitarist who makes some royalties for
you while you are absent from touring, and get Elliot back into the
studio for another DTS Dan mix ASAP...
Joe O'Connor
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 14:28:48 -0500
From: Michael Gray <Michael.Gray-1-Spam@Stinks-tc.umn.edu>
Where is your Discography?
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 01:46:15 +0200
From: Ashraf El Abani <manna-Spam@Stinks-alexnet.com.eg>
Subject: Short note From an Egyptian Fan
Dear great Artists,
My Great Apreciation for your lovely music that I 've been
listening for 25 years....
The great thing about your music is that everytime I listen to it I feel
it's the first time...
So Please,Dear Talented Artists, never stop giving joy to our lives
through your lovely composing
And Do it again...And Do it again...And Do it again...And Do it again...
>From one of many Egyptians Fans who adore your great music....
Ashraf El Abani
Alexandria - EGYPT
From: PJT1GC-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 15:21:28 EDT
Subject: My extreme devotion.
Once I listened to "Dirty Work" for about five hours straight -- CD player on
repeat -- while I played solitaire on my computer. I highly recommend it.
It cleared all my spiritual pathways and I reached Enlightment. At which
point I turned the CD player off, of course.
For personal enjoyment and enlightment, you really should check out the "Red
Monkey" site. The originator says he's on some watch-list of the Secret
Service, which is entirely possible.
At any rate, Rikki just called -- found the number stuck in an Accounting 101
book and is trying to remember why she had the number in the first place. Ta
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 19:46:50 +1000
From: "Admin" <groovet-Spam@Stinks-ans.com.au>
Hi there,
I heard Steely Dan and specifically "Aja" for the first time in my life just
last week.........what can I say, it's an absolute masterpeice, I
immediately had to reach for my piano and work it out and thought "what on
earth are those chords at the end of the chorus i.e. "to you" after playing
it 10 or 20 times I gave up and carried on with the rest of the song. After
playing the song about 10 times I still wasn't happy with those two
chords........it had me stumped......but I think I have it and if someone
could confirm this I would most appreciate it and then I can get on with my
This is how I hear it: C Min Add 4 / C#, B Min Add 4 / C.
Thankyou Walter and Donald for such amazing peices of music and adding a 3rd
dimension to music, I have all the albums on order now and can't wait to get
Stefan Nowak
From: J Reinhardt <jreinhardt-Spam@Stinks-PELAB.COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 12:52:46 -0400
Dear fellas,
My friend Dave and I listen to the entire Steely Dan collection
almost every day, not to mention some great solo action. It has been
coined as "The Marathon."
There is something that has me really distraught, however. I have
been up late for years wondering about it, and every day I rush home to
check the mail. In 1982 we were promised that there would be spandex
jackets for every one. What is the delay? Are they back ordered or did
you just hood-wink me? What the hell is takin' so long? Any color
will be fine. Will the time delay be compensated with a fez or two in
the pockets?
Sincerely, J
P.S. Thanks again, I cant wait.
A Large for me is fine,
Dave takes and extra large.
From: HarithR-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 13:56:56 EDT
Subject: Happiness
I am a relatively new convert to Steely Dan music, and it really makes me
happy and thoughtful when I listen to it. Thanks and make some more real
From: Brettupat4-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 15:14:06 EDT
Subject: Interview request
I am a producer at WBLM radio in Portland Maine, and I'd be honored if mine
could be the first interview request you'd decline regarding the much
anticipated release of the new album.
Brett Slater
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 19:51:00 -0400
From: vlcpc <mersan36-Spam@Stinks-matrix.newpaltz.edu>
Subject: qustion
Is it true that the name "Steely Dan" comes from a dildo.
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 21:27:58 -0400
Subject: Part of it
From: "Lorraine Driscoll/Will Layman" <wkljd-Spam@Stinks-earthlink.net>
Dear Don and Walt --
Now that I have gotten one of my e-mails posted in the "mailroom" of the
official Steely Dan web site, does that make me part of the Steely Dan
Industry? Am I now part of the great Steely Dan Machine that will be
sweeping the nation? Will I be another hanger-on, another parasite on the
rugged hide of the Beast Dan that will roar across America when it is
finally released to a Salivating American Public that can barely stay in its
undies, the anticipation being so great?
I hope so.
With my job now long gone, my letter of resignation already read, wept over
and archived, I am ready to join the caravan of Steely Hype and Steely
Profit that is hungry for fast and loose fan dollars.
I've freed myself up for you, boys! You whistle, and I'll run! I'll scurry
your way with your guitar or with that frigging
harmonica/keyboard/blowwy-thing that you like so much, Donald. I'm your
lackie, I'm your best friend, I'm your Yes Man and your Manservant.
Make me yours, boys - I've been bit by rock 'n' roll celebrity fever!
Smiles and easy money,
Will Layman (wkljd-Spam@Stinks-earthlink.net)
From: JRS26PA-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 16:19:52 EDT
Subject: Dream
I had this dream the other night that I went to a bar and saw you guys there.
I wanted to talk to you but you didn't want to talk to me. At the end I
left and asked when you're new album would come out and you said,"it'll be
out some time," in a very rude way.
I hope you're not like that in real life.
From: "adavid" <adavid-Spam@Stinks-alltel.net>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 20:48:04 -0700
What inspired you to write " The Caves of Altamira"? I just love your work.
You are my favorite artists! I am 17 years old my name is Will. I am
using my sister's e-mail. I love all of your works! You are classics!
A Fan,
From: Cliff187-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 15:30:23 EDT
Subject: tour
I'm a 16 year old from Geneva IL who loves your music. I have all
the albums, Steely Dan and Donald Fagen. Not many people my age like your
music, atleast, I don't think they do. But I just wanted to let you know
that some kids do like it, and I can't wait for your new CD. I also want to
see you in concert. My parents went to the tour in '94, and that was before
I was into your music. I always wanted to see you live, so let me know as
soon as a tour is coming to Chicago, so I can get front row tickets. Thanks
C.J. Przybyl
P.S. Please let me know of any hot 16 year old girls that like Steely Dan.
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:52:17 +0100
From: Howard Wright <Howard.Wright-Spam@Stinks-ed.ac.uk>
Subject: Guitar music
Who knows, some folks may stillbe trying to track down that
elusive guitar tablature for Steely Dan songs.
Tried the books? Disappointed? (I was - songs in the wrong key, dodgy
chord shapes, you name it).
My humble collection is just a token offering you understand, but it may
be appreciated by guitar-playing Dan fans with a thirst.
Take a look at the Steely Dan Guitar Tablature I have transcribed, and see what you think.
From: Groovy3120-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 13:06:14 EDT
Subject: Waiting For Your Next Tour
Just wanted to let you know, the four of us love Steely Dan. Keep up the
great work!
The Quinn Quadruplets (Colleen, Sharron, Theresa & Terri)
From: John Bell <jbell-Spam@Stinks-LogicNetInc.com>
Subject: Just a few words of admiration
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 17:24:12 -0500
The first time I heard Steely Dan's music I was only 7or 8 years old. I was listening to a cheap factory radio in my brothers '71 Chevy with a column shifter. It was 1972 or 1973. "Reelin' in the Years" was playing on our Dallas radio station. I was go ing fishing with my brother - which, to this day, is still one of my favorite things to do. I didn't realize then what impact Steely Dans' music would have on my life then and now. That day I told my brother not to talk over the song - it was the first time I had ever told my brother what to do - as he is 18 years older than me. The guitar intro to Reelin' in the Years blew my 7 year old mind. My brother played an acoustic guitar (and was quite good as I remember) - I told him then I wanted to get an electric guitar and play like that. He admonished me - telling me that electric guitars don't sound that way in real life. It took 25 more years for me to decide to pick a guitar and learn how to play. I still suck pretty bad - but it's the greatest, most rewarding endeavor that my simple life has ever taken on. I am ashamed to say that Steely Dan was not my favorite band during my impressionable years leading up to High School. I was listening to bands like Journey, Rush, Doobie Brothers, Toto, Ka nsas. This was, after all, late 70's early 80's - arena concerts, lots of pot etc. As a senior in High School, I heard "Hey Nineteen" which reacquainted me with your music. I ran out and picked up the "Guacho" album - yes album (that's a word you don't hear very often any more). Over the next months, I picked 'em all up. I've been hooked ever since. I currently have the entire collection sitting on my desk at work where your music soothes my nerves. I was most pleased to learn that many of the mus icians that played on your albums went on to form or join bands that I really loved. I KNEW THERE WAS A CONNECTION. When 1993 came around - and I caught wind of an upcoming Steely Dan tour. HOLY #$IT! I've gotta go. I purchased tickets months in advan ce - damn that was a long wait, but well worth it. I drove to the Woodlands (just north of Houston) to see the show - it was the only place in Texas you were playing. The next tour brought you to my home town of Dallas - of course, I was there. The re st, as they say, is history. You guys have inspired me like no other band ever has. Many, many thanks to all of you.
As a final note. Share this with everybody. I bet there are a zillion people just like me who have been touched by your music.
John Bell
Dallas, Texas
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 18:41:14 -0700
From: Diane Holmes <deholmes-Spam@Stinks-snet.net>
Subject: Hey Nineteen
Please, would like lyrics to "Hey Nineteen". Have a long-running
dispute as to actual lyrics. Please tour on East Coast....it would be a
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 14:17:36 -0500
Subject: Another fan
From: "Robert Dittrich" <xxx-Spam@Stinks-xxx>
Hey. I was fooling around on the net today and casually punched in
www.steelydan.com in hopes of finding something good. I was pleasantly
surprised to find an official website maintained by someone with the facts.
Your music has been an inspiration to my own musical efforts, in that you
guys are one of the only bands to have both interesting music and
interesting lyrics. It's nice to hear thoughtful music that doesn't suck or
whine. I also admire your panache in interviews. Never give an entirely
straight answer. I'm gushing here. I apologize. I'm looking forward to more
- Rob Dittrich
p.s. On the off chance you publish some or all of this little note, please
obscure my email address. This place is run by hippies, but you know how
touchy they can get.
From: LWGT-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 08:45:43 EDT
Subject: F.Y.I. 3M digital recorder
Dear Donald and Walter,
I'm sure you already know this but here is some extra history about the 3M
digital machines you guys used and tried to give to the "HELL of Lame"
I'm a musician from Minneapolis, MN.
There was a studio here called Sound 80 studios, at the time they were pretty
big, artists like Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan and even some very early Prince(or
that stupid sign thing that he goes by)tracks were recorded there needless to
say scores of other great artists. The founder and president of Sound 80 was
Herb Pilhofer, a great jazz pianist in his own right. Anyway the studio was
pretty tight with 3M which is also based here in MN and in 1978 they gave
Herb the first 3M digital recorder (Herbie was the nickname of that machine
in honor of Herb Pilhofer). You guys may have heard of Flim and The BB's
(Jimmy Johnson/Bass-Bill Berg/Drums-Billy Barber/keys and guest Sax Dick
Oates), they were a superb jazz trio from MN. Later they did the first
direct to disc recordings in NY with Tom Lescher(Also from sound 80). Well,
I have an Original Vinyl Mint Copy of this nearly impossible album to find
that I would like to give you guys. The reason I want to do this is because
I really appreciate what your music has done for the industry and the world
and a lot of YOUR SOUND I feel is partially attributed to the extraordinary
equipment you guys recorded with. Please Reply!!
Best Regards, Glen Trute
p.s. Your website is a delightful journey down the sometimes obscure but
always the extremely funny and comic path that I wish more people would
explore!! Thanks for the LAUGHS!!
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 20:28:06 -0700
From: Matthew D Glaser <xxx-Spam@Stinks-xxx>
Subject: I can't believe it's come to this
Mssrs. Fagen and Becker,
Nothing on earth can stop it, I am sure at this point is is utterly
inevitable. I had a dream last night which confirmed my suspicion:
You heartless bastards are waiting for me to die.
I dreamt I was running from a huge Gila monster (what would Freud say about
that?), screaming at the top of my lungs and wondering, is this really the
end? After years of toil and tragedy, and listening to "Alive in America"
hoping to find that elusive "hidden album" that isn't in the liner notes,
was I actually going to die without hearing this accursed new album of yours?
And finally, last night, I saw it: a vision of a Steely Dan CD Release
party. A thousand smiling faces listening to a crystalline version of
"Cash Only Island". And me, unable to attend because I am laid out at the
fucking morgue. For Christ's sake, finish the album so I can stop being
AFRAID. I am so tired of being AFRAID.
I never should have asked for "Citizen" on my birthday. This is simply too
fucking much.
See you on the shelves or in Hell, whatever comes first,
Matthew D Glaser
P.S. Please don't print my e-mail address. I've suffered enough.
From: Jamo2000-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 01:11:29 EDT
Subject: st. augustine was right
Walt & Don,
I find myself in the uncomfortable position of being stuck in Studio City.
The details don't really matter but the bottom line is I was vetted out here
by an apparently unscrupulous Vice President of Creative Services (I should
mention I'm an Art Director). Yup, stuck here out on Barham & Ventura Blvd.
Anyhoo, while I know you're not in the business of advising refugees, I do
know you two were stuck in a similar predicament. I'm stuck in temporary
housing, my shit is in storage & I don't have a job. I sold my house in
Denver- I'm homesick & lonely & I think L.A. is big dump.
Sadly, I don't know a soul here. I would gladly welcome your thoughts.
Stranded but not desperate,
PS Is everyone here a jackal?
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 09:00:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: pergunne-Spam@Stinks-algonet.se (Per-Gunnar Eriksson)
Subject: Technical problems...
Well, I've got this old computer - an Amiga - that was made before they thought of connecting CD-ROMs to computers.
Some smart guy constructed the cables and such for me and my kind to be able to connect Amigas to CD-ROMs.
However, they hadnt counted on my non-technical skills in this apartment.
I've tried, and tried but cannot get access to all them CDRs I've gotten. The only thing I can manage my CD-ROM to do is play Steely Dan-CDs
Hey! Wait! That might not be a technical problem at all - but a blessing in disguise.
Sorry for taking up your time!
Per-Gunnar Eriksson
Date: Sun, 09 May 1999 23:22:33 +0200
Subject: Steely Dan life
Will there be any concerts in 99? Thank you for any information
concerning this
Date: Sun, 09 May 1999 22:38:10 -0400
From: Peter Abusamra <marabus-Spam@Stinks-gis.net>
Subject: The new Cd
Hi Gentlemen,
I tried briefly to find the answer(on your web page) but didn't have any
luck.Is there a definite release date for your new cd?
From: "Dan Sanders" <danieljsanders-Spam@Stinks-hotmail.com>
Subject: Danagram
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 06:54:49 GMT
Donald Fagen and Walter Becker: Old Dean Fang and Tea Brew Clerk
From: "Kelly, Daniel J" <Daniel.J.Kelly-Spam@Stinks-exchange.tst.tracor.com>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 14:05:06 -0400
Dear Mr Bekker and Fagen:
What is the extent of Heidegger's Zein und Zeit's influence on
your work?
I think the Chord changes in the bridge to
of-the-Vulgar-Concept-of-History" form the basis of "Countermoon."
I have discerned various melodic fragments copped from "On the
a-Whole-of-DaSein" in "Book of Liars".
That Nazi motherfucker is dead. though, so he can't sue, can he?
An Earnest Listener.
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:08:45 -0400
From: "Beau Mansfield" (xxx-Spam@Stinks-xxxx>
Subject: Words not to use in songs
Dear guys,
You know, I take umbrage at so little--especially when it comes to the fine and flowing wisdom out of youse guys' mouths. Nonetheless, two things must be addressed:
(1) The word, "'shroom(s)" is ABSOLUTELY a perfect word to use in a song--so long as it is not expected. I have done so, myself.
(2) Stop making fun of Gino Vannelli. Just because you guys never had a heart doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to. You guys just aren't Italian, and I'm just not a native New Yorker. Or something like that.
Otherwise, thanks for all the sickie greatness, and one ridiculous mofo of a website.
Beau Mansfield
From: ExtraMice-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 03:47:13 EDT
Subject: America
i really like them, you guys should sound more like them. Gerry
Beckley is quite nice to look at too. Maybe you guys could hire him.
From: dawg306-Spam@Stinks-webtv.net (WOOF)
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 12:15:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: THANKS
Just want to say thanks, for all the times I've come home from work
with a pounding head, and put on your music and let all my problems
drift away. Thank you
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 22:54:22 -0400
From: bryk <dan-Spam@Stinks-bryk.com>
Subject: yawn yawn yawn
hey you guys are pretty funny for a couple of old fucks who haven't made an
actual kick-ass record since "pretzel logic".
p.s. conversely, when are you gonna impress us kids with something
interesting instead of all that wack
automotive-post-nuclear-junkie-girlfriend-in-LA-dystopia-boomer-concept-album sh
it? that eagles-style reunion schmoggle sure didn't help matters.
From: Jamo2000-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 23:51:25 EDT
Subject: that bitch out in the valley
jamo here again. still stuck in the valley- left homeless & unemployed by a
career television weasel. oddly enough, i'm also rereading the chatty &
clearly unauthorized bio "reelin' in the years" which i'm fairly sure was
culled by a clipping service for quiet brit release. but what the hell? it is
the only document extant, although (& i'm ashamed to say this) the sd story
would make a hell of an indie feature. all the elements are there- at least
to my partially-infected-by-babylon eyes.
anyhoo, several landmarks are mentioned in that tome which are within easy
driving distance of my temporary, albeit sterile, temporary corporate housing
out here on barham & ventura blvds. i am depressed with a lot of time on my
hands (clearly). any suggestions for places around here that will cheer me up
rather than depress me further?
for whatever it is worth, i know you cringe about the early sd records but it
might interest you to know that some of us love you dearly, warts & all.
hell, they're all polished gems to us.
i am wondering how the hell you lasted so long in this shithole & i've only
been here a month.
looking forward to mister steely dan & whatever,
From: MGrigg1-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 20:52:02 EDT
Subject: (no subject)
You guys suck. I'm sick of going on your stupid site and hoping, praying for
just a crumb of a hint of your new CD and I don't get shit!
From: PAMMYSUE9-Spam@Stinks-aol.com
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 23:22:17 EDT
My husband and I have been fans of yours for years. Our children was raised
on your music and now our grandchildren are being raised on your music.
Didn't mean to make you feel old, just wanted you to know how much of our
lives you have been in.
Please, please, please come to Tulsa. You have fans here and we are usually
overlooked. When you were in Dallas we could never get through on the phone
lines to get tickets, or we would have gladly missed a few days of work to go
there to see you. There are places here you could play. And the people of
this good city would appreciate it soooooo much. (especially me.)
Thank you for giving us those great songs that we sing so loudly as we're
driving down the street. We have enjoyed you tremendously. And we're
looking forward to your new CD.
From: "brian wayne"
Subject: groupie woos
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 12:22:32 PDT
Dear Donald and Walter,
Hi. You don't know us. We've never written to any of our heroes before, but here goes... Anything we say automatically belittles the overwhelming emotion your music conjures in our half-twisted 20-something souls. For lack of a better way to say it, you are the best. The greatest. The only. We stumbled on to your catalog in 1993. It has since been the barometer by which we measure all else. We have come to learn there are many different kinds of Steely Dan fans. There's the guy who knows the song order and release date of every album, knows every lyric and kicks aroud their ever-changing meanings automatically during quiet moments in his life; at the other end of the scale, there's the guy who thinks Steely Dan is a person and loves the hit song, "Your Favorite Foreign Movie." Those of us fortunate enough to belong to the former group, vicariously experience enough excellence via Dan Steel to see the world through more hopeful eyes. The benefits received are uncountable. We have no questions for you. You've said everything we've needed to know and hear, so far, in songs and in the book, Reelin' In the Years. We just wanted to say thank you. If you responded to this, we would pee. Knowing that you know you have us in a grip that gets stronger with each passing month is enough.
We have lives. Busy lives. They'll continue as soon as you release your new album and this exhausting waiting period comes to its end.
We truly love you.
Brian Wurschum and Laurel Hoffman
A.K.A. The Voices