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Jan. 1, 1997

1. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Or not

2. Lose 15 or so lbs. ASAP. That's what I said in the first place

3. Be patient when confronted with human frailty. Remember: good things come to those who wait

4. Learn how to play "Lush Life" and "Giant Steps" on the acoustic guitar

5. Develop a sense of entitlement (whether I deserve it or not)

6. Throw away my entire wardrobe and start over. By popular request

7. Make additional donations to the Dharma Center. ASAP. Karma catches up, especially if you're late with your payments

8. Call luthier extraordinaire Steve Grimes and ask him how it's going. When will my new archtop be finished?

9. Make donation to American Liver Foundation just in case

10. Return a few phone calls, once in a while. Just to keep' em guessing

11. "Thank You" note to Howard Rose, one that covers the last six or so Christmases

12. Get over this silly songwriting thing and get back to webwork. Before it's too late

Header Graphic: Eric "Rudy" Schuttler

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