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Date: Thu, 24 Aug 19:55:11 -0600
From: Yves La Fleur []
Subject: For Your Attention

Dear Sirs: In light of the missing "troll" problem of recent days I thought you might be interested in the following transcription of a transmission fragment received on Saturday from a source originating near Sardis, British Columbia.

Yves La Fleur, Montreal

Shalom y'all and Hallooooo B.C. Gollie Angel here with another edition of Gollie's Rocket right here on WYWH in Brrrrritish Colee-oh zumbiah! Oh!

Hey kids, have you heard the one about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? Well, it seems they were all killed in an avalanche and float straight up to heaven.

And God says, Welcome! Is there anything you want to ask me? And all the dwarves and Snow White gather around Dopey and say, Hey Dopey, why don't you ask God that question you've always been dying to ask him? C'mon, go ahead, ask him!

So finally Dopey shuffles up to God and says, Tell me, God, are there any black nuns in Alaska?

And God says, You know, Dopey, I'd have to say no, there's not one black nun in all of the state of Alaska.

Immediately, all the dwarves and Snow White start gleefully chanting: "Dopey fucked a penguin, Dopey fucked a penguin, Dopey fucked a penguin..."

Don't try to tell that one in church, kids. Oh! Alright! This next cut goes out to Miss Martine in Chicago. Let's rock the house with Big Bobbie Dorough doin' a little thing called Blue X-mas! Do it Bob! (music) (station fades out)

... and so the sad story grows...

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